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Hi Loves, Today I wanted to address something most of us struggle with:  Body Image.  Body positivity is a huge growing movement today (which is amazing of course), but some still have a hard time fully embracing their bodies.  Everyone has imperfections they struggle with about their body image whether it be arms, legs, butt, chest, etc.  The list goes on!  Personally, I struggle with my stomach area.  While some will call me "CRAZY" or ask "what are you talking about girl? You look good!".  I still struggle everyday to be satisfied with how it looks and to me it's just not perfect.  But today I want to begin to change that.  I am posting this picture to try to let go of my insecurities!  We should all learn to love ourselves no matter what our bodies look like and remember that even if it doesn't meet our "standards" that it's still worth embracing?  Life isn't perfect, so bodies should be perfect and it shows us that we can embrace the imperfections to find our own happiness.

 On a more brighter note:  This pink suit is just perfect if you're just lounging by the pool.  It was love at first sight for me and completely reminded me of something Audrey Hepburn would have worn in her day.  Summer isn't over yet here in you can find me by the pool with a cocktail.   

Happy Friday Loves!!!  Have a Hot Weekend (if you're living in LA)!

H&M Pink Suit, Hat & Earrings (old)  |  Urban Outfitters Sunnies & Camera


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